Generate Typescript Codes

Now it's the time to compile protobuf schema with our pb cli.

Without additional options.

Run pb gen ts with --entry-path options for specifying protobuf schema directory.

pb gen ts --entry-path=".pollapo"

Now you can see the out directory on your project root. out is the default directory name for codegen output. In out directory, there are one index file and three directories (messages, runtime, services).

  • Index file (index.ts): for re-exporting messages and services on the root.
  • messages: En(de)coding codes for protobuf messages. each namespace directory has its own index file for re-exporting.
  • runtime: Runtime codes for implementing protobuf en(de)coder and rpc. e.g. zigzag encoding, long implementation, devtools, rpc and many more codes are included here.
  • services: Service client codes. you can get the createServiceClient for each service and use it to create service. and also It has own index file on each namespace directory.

When you open the generated codes, you can notice that file extension for import statement is .ts. If you are using this code on node or browser, you can change this extension with --ext-in-import option. We recommend that you to set the value " " to remove file extension (like this: --ext-in-import=" "). More options are listed in 4.1 Generate Codes: pb gen ts.

Codegen for node.js project.

For re-compile the protobuf schema, add some options like this:

pb gen ts --entry-path=".pollapo" --out-dir="generated" --ext-in-import=" "

This will change the output directory and file extension for import statement.

You can use @pbkit/grpc-web-client library for creating gRPC-Web client.

yarn add @pbkit/grpc-web-client

So If you installed pbkit/interface-pingpong-server for example, you can use the service and messages like this.

import { createGrpcWebClientImpl } from "@pbkit/grpc-web-client";
import { createServiceClient } from "generated/services/pbkit/pingpong/PingPongService";
import { Ping, Pong } from "generated/messages/pbkit/pingpong";

// Create service client.
const pingPongService = createPingPongService(createGrpcWebClientImpl({
  // the grpc-web server host
  host: "http://localhost:8080",
  // option for sending req/res events to chrome devtools.
  devtools: true,

// Just send like this.
const sendPing = async (request: Ping): Promise<Pong> => {
  return pingPongService.pingpong(request);

sendPing({ hello: "hi" }).then(console.log);
// Result
// { "world": "Pong" }

If you want to see more advanced usages with pbkit/interface-pingpong-server or React, explore pbkit/pingpong-client for more informations.